Dick Whittington and his Cat (Stourbridge Pantomime Company)
Considering the massive array of Pantomimes that are available to view, both professional and amateur it takes something a little special to 'stand out from the crowd' and yet Stourbridge Pantomime Company seem to be able to do that on a regular basis. Under the direction of Steve Humpherson, creative choreography of Amy Williams and musical stewardship of Adam Joy/Richard Skilbeck this is an utterly engaging and enthralling production and frankly any show that can include 'Seven Seas of Rhye' by Queen, 'Mr Blue Sky' by ELO, 'Stick It to the Man' from 'School of Rock' and a medley of songs from 'The Blue Brothers' is worth the ticket price for the music alone. To do justice to that soundtrack and entertain a diverse and in some ways challenging audience you need a stellar cast and we open with husband and wife partnership Steve and Sarah Coussens as King Rat and Fairy Bowbells. Steve in character can best be described by Noah Claypole...