Disenchanted ! (Third From The Right Productions)

If you thought 'The Internet Is For Porn' from Avenue Q had stretched the boundaries of political incorrectness you've obviously never seen Disenchanted ! or heard the pithily titled 'Big Tits', this is one of those musicals (yet to really have any significantly lengthy outing in the UK) that you'll want to see again and again.

A posse of fairytale princesses, predominantly from the Disney stable tell their story as you really should have heard it and without a handsome or charming prince in sight and it's difficult not to sympathise with their plight and laugh out loud at the same time, it makes for an evening of beautiful, yet bawdy entertainment.

Hosted by three of the classic characters Snow White (played by the powerfully voiced Natalie Baggott), Cinderella (a perfection in 'ditzy' from Jo Foley) and Sleeping Beauty (understated but, not undermined by Gaynor Whitehouse) the audience is taken through a pastiche of scenes and characters, in which the reality of many stories is exposed. We find that that these storybook princesses are not necessarily the nice, obedient, loved-up and as per the previously mentioned song, 'well stacked' ladies that we have been led to believe.

Everything from the insanity of Belle (played with a touch of the Hannibal Lecter by Kerry Davies), through the lesbian discovery of Mulan (great comic timing from Amy Pearson) and the mock German Rapunzel (worth considerably more than 'one red cent' from Kaz Luckins) to Pocahontas (the buxomly voiced Gillain Homer) entertained thoroughly.

Difficult to find a specific highlight in what is an apex production in itself but, Sarah Coussens and her outrageous Little Mermaid made me laugh the loudest, bemoaning her losses in order to merely gain 'two legs'.

Dennis.T.Giacino's highly irreverent look at the world of the 'princess complex' is directed immaculately by Jez Luckins and brought to life musically by Chris Corcoran, I'm sure were the great Walt Disney still alive he would have had a wry smile at this one.

Strangely I would normally be pointing at the Web Site and recommending that everybody books tickets before they sell out but, they already have and that is my only criticism, more performances guys, two was never going to be enough.

Check out the TFTR Productions Web Site anyway and keep your eyes peeled for their next show, if this is anything to go by, you'll not want to miss it.

TFTR Productions Web Site


  1. Couldn't agree more, Tim. An amazing show, awesomely delivered by a really strong ensemble. Could transfer to the West End straight away as it is.


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