Jesus Christ Superstar (Birmingham Institute of Theatre Arts)
Before settling down to watch this production I noticed a quote from Chris Passey one of the Creative Team (a guy with more passion than a passion fruit !) suggesting that there had been only three hours rehearsal per week, yet over a period of a year to create what we were about to see, how can anything with such a protracted rehearsal period and such an extensive gap between those rehearsals really deliver is my immediate thought as the lights fade and Chris (who is MD amongst many other roles) displays even more of that passion and fervently strikes up the band. Took all of about thirty seconds for those thoughts to fade and an overwhelming sense of 'this is going to be something to remember' to engulf me as the choreography in the opening scene from the other member of this dynamic production duo, Attiye Partridge, graphically creates a picture that starts to tell a story that is probably very familiar to most fans of the musical theatre genre. From the moment Max Eade ...