Legally Blonde (Sutton Coldfield Musical Youth Theatre)

Firstly let me give a resounding written 'applause' to the cast for dealing with a 'fire evacuation' early in Act 1 (especially to Sunny Joshi as Warner Huntingdon III who just kept singing  through the alarm until an evacuation was confirmed, that's stagecraft at its best!) and then picked-up as if nothing had happened, amazing.

Whilst I am about to mention a lot of individual performances here, I really have to say that this is a 'barnstormer' of a production from everybody involved both on and off stage, were it possible to physically raise the roof at Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Hall I am sure they would have done so and in fact it may be that the heat created on stage is what actually set the fire alarm off, we will never know.

Ellie Summerfield is about as perfect an Elle Woods as it is possible to be, a triple threat, she can act, sing, and dance doing all with flair and if Reese Witherspoon isn't available for Legally Blonde 4 the casting director doesn't have far to look. Perfectly complemented by her eventual love interest Ethan Bowley as Emmett Forrest who delivers 'scruffy corduroy' and 'suited and booted' with equal skill and dexterity.

Former boyfriend Warner Huntingdon III (the aforementioned Sunny Joshi) superb acting to appear a little too interested in his own career and physical looks to realise he is losing Elle, hooks-up with fellow law student Vivienne Kensington (a bold and brassy performance from Sienna Renshaw) but, even she will realise that Elle is a better bet as a long term friend/colleague.

Elle is defiantly and magnificently supported (whether in 'real' or 'Greek Chorus' mode) by her 'sorority sisters' a team of incredible singers/dancers, led by Serena (Freya Sutton), Margot (Freya Hancox) and Pilar (Rebecca Hanratty). She definitely needs support if she is to stand-up to tutor and 'Legal Eagle', Professor Callahan, a suitably bombastic and imposing performance from James Lannigan.

If you are looking for energetic and expressive character portrayal, you need look no further than Ellie Johnstone's prodigious performance as Paulette Bonafonte, it's a complete entertainment gem. Energy also abounds with Gracie Drain as 'Fitness Queen', Brooke Wyndham, her rendition of 'Whipped Into Shape' whilst skipping without sounding in any way 'out of breath' is faultless.

Some other notable performances worthy of individual mention include, Euan Barnby as an expressive Kyle (the UPS Guy), Nate Wallace as a spirited Aaron Shultz, Max Adderley as a sprightly Nikos Argitakos (the Pool Boy), Amelia Waldron as feisty feminist Enid Hoopes, Scarlett Brennan as a typically defiant Chutney Wyndham, Rat Clancy as an animated Trial Judge and of course the canine stars Elsa as Bruiser Woods and Rosa as Rufus who both despite minimal stage time, steal the show.

At this point I really must reiterate my original comments that every individual involved has provided something to make this show the spectacular it is and not least of all Director (Georgia Young), Choreographer (Charlotte Jervis), Musical Directors (Emily Beaman/Tony Orbell) and a mention for Paula Lumsden as Stage Manager (and her Team) for everything they did and risking a revolve on stage, could have been a disaster but, worked incredibly.

'What you want' is to grab a ticket for this one as it'll be 'So Much Better' if you see it than miss it !


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