Musical Fable of Stourbridge

The name is Brannigan, Lieutenant Brannigan to you, 14th Precinct New York, I was on a stake-out at a place they call the Town Hall, I've heard of City Hall but, this was something different, joints within a joint, just a front for illegal activity in my book. Infiltrated myself into their seedy back room haunt, it was men only and obviously gambling makes you forgetful, if it wasn't their shoes, it was their shirt, one couldn't even remember my name but, that works in my favour while I am gathering evidence.

What a bunch of low lives, hiding behind a Mission (I kept hearing 'Sally Army', I think the Brits have invaded but, its a bit early for The Beatles) fronted-up by 'The Sergeant' Sarah Brown, she's a looker with a voice that could shatter crystal but, I knew she had a weak point, trip to Havana, couple of Bacardi's and she forgets which side of the law she is on, some broads are an easy target. Then there's the old guy, Abernathy, always singing about 'wishing' and banging his drum, could all be a cover for a much less holy profession.

Found myself at a back street cabaret called the 'Hot Box' watching their headline entertainer Miss Adelaide, another beauty with a vocal like wine, must have a personality complex, one minute she's a farmerette (goddammit, what's a farmerette ?) then she's a debutante throwing a mink (maybe I should speak to the animal protection guys). Funny, she never tells her last name and she's always got a cold, that's what happens when you get involved with the criminal underworld I guess. 

No doubt my number one suspect behind all of this crap shooting is that Detroit character, I hear there is something between him and Adelaide, hardly Bonnie and Clyde though are they. His mug shot has been on my desk for too long and his rap sheet is as long as the Hudson, he's just lucky and his luck will run out, he won't be good, old, reliable Nathan for much longer.

Keeping my eye on that Sky Masterson, he's a bum like the rest, the sharp suit, silky vocals and an eye for the ladies doesn't fool me, I'll be the metaphorical 'cider in his ear', perhaps he should stick to Mindy's cheesecake and a dulce de leche, he'll need more than a lady to give him luck.

It's not all about the leading lights here, there are a team of shady characters running this operation, led by those jokers Johnson and Southstreet, they better sit down before they start rocking my boat, not to mention Harry the Horse, never did trust any 'nag' from Brooklyn, let alone one that brings in interlopers from Chicago, Big Jule you can leave your blank dice and masquerading as a Scout Master at the state line we don't accept that stuff in NY.

Maybe I'm missing something, perhaps those dolls from the Hot Box are more than just 'eye candy' and a catchy tune or that 'Save-a-Soul' crew, a uniform is always an easy way to hide in full view, never was convinced by that 'rip up your poker deck and play no more' piece.

You all might have avoided a long stretch this time but, your luck will run out soon and you can all go 'ring your bell' in Sing Sing !

(Oh and the cheque is in the post Joey Biltmore, you are still our number one informant.)


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